Lindsay Lohan Won't Be On 'Letterman' After All; 'Letterman' Say Unauthorized Person Made Booking, Was It Her Father?

Despite the reports, Lindsay Lohan actually won't be appearing on "The Late Show with David Letterman" this week.
"I am NOT going to be doing David Letterman," Lohan Tweeted late Tuesday night. "I'm not sure how this happened, but I am sorry for the confusion."

On Wednesday morning, Tom Keaney, a spokesperson for Worldwide Pants Inc., which produces "Letterman," revealed that someone not authorized to make commitments for the starlet had made the booking.
"Lindsay Lohan will not be delivering a Top Ten list on Thursday's 'Late Show with David Letterman,' as had been previously announced. We made a mistake," Keaney's statement read. "Someone purporting to be a friend of Lindsay's reached out to the show yesterday, allegedly on her behalf, and booked her to appear. Clearly, this person was not authorized to make commitments on her behalf. We wish Lindsay well, and look forward to having her on the show in the future."
Michael Lohan confirmed to Access Hollywood that he was the one who signed his daughter on for the Top 10 list spot. He told Access it was done with Lindsay's blessing, but he claims her management nixed it.
On Tuesday afternoon, CBS had announced in a press release that the actress would present the Top Ten list on "The Late Show with David Letterman" on Thursday.
Lindsay is currently out on bail on a felony grand theft charge in Los Angeles and is due back in court on February 23. Read More: Yahoo