Sex Offender Gets Out of Jail

Sex Offender Gets Out of Jail
On Thursday in West Baton Rogue, LA a sex offender underwent castration to gain his freedom from prison. The surgery took place at LSU Earl K. Long Medical Center.

Francis Phillip Tullier, 78, from West Baton Rogue, was convicted of molesting three different girls hundreds of times during the time spanning from the 1970s to the 1990s. He pleaded to three counts of child molestation in 1999 and was sentenced to 27 years in prison.

As part of his sentencing, the court declared that the paedophile would be eligible for parole only if he under went a surgical castration procedure and only if he paid for it himself.

According to a sheriff's investigator Tullier's surgery had been delayed several years because Tullier was treated for several medical issues.

Tullier is expected to be released next week and will be on parole as a registered sex offender, living in Iberville Parish.

There are 12 US states which allow for surgical castration as a punishment for repeat sex offenders.

Jesus said, spoke of "eunuchs" who were born with birth defects, others who were made eunuchs by men, (those serving kings or for punishment), and others "eunuchs" who were not literally eunuchs, but dedicated their lives to the service of God.
Source: Examiner