New Apple MacBook Pro in March?

The newest MacBook Pro from Apple Inc. may arrive as early as next month, according to Apple Insider.

Apple Insider cited a Danish blogger who found out through an employee at an Apple retail store that the newest version of MacBook Pro should launch on Tuesday, March 1.
However, the March date could be pushed back as “Apple's product launches are often a moving target that can see last minute delays of several days due to unexpected anomalies in manufacturing or the company's supply chain,” noted Apple Insider.
The new laptop is said by Apple Insider to feature Intel’s new core architecture, Sandy Bridge, but PC Magazine laptop analyst Cisco Cheng noted that the rumor may not be valid.

"Apple is usually the last OEM to move to new Intel chips, and given that Sandy Bridge systems just resumed shipments, it's very unlikely Apple will have MBPs by March 1st," Cheng said in the report.

The last update for the MacBook series was done almost a year ago in April 2010.
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